National Craft Month + Pompom Hacks with Rachel Burke

There’s something about crafting that makes me feel warm and fuzzy and oh so nostalgic. I was thrilled when Spotlight and Kids Business invited me to their National Craft Month Bloggers Lunch Event last week. Of course I brought my camera along to snap what I saw and I even made a short clip of Rachel Burke, from i make. you wear it blog, demonstrating her amazing pompom hacks. Love!

Spotlight National Craft Month www.cherryandme.comMe and my pompom in progress

Spotlight National Craft Month www.cherryandme.comMy craft crush, Pip Lincolne from Meet Me at Mikes inspiring us to make a beautiful mess together 🙂

Spotlight National Craft Month www.cherryandme.comApomogies are oh so cute and so damn hilarious!

Spotlight National Craft Month www.cherryandme.comThe very clever Carla Hackett demonstrating foil lettering

Spotlight National Craft Month www.cherryandme.comSpotlight National Craft Month www.cherryandme.comSpotlight National Craft Month www.cherryandme.comSewing softies with Coloured Buttons

Spotlight National Craft Month Each blogger was sent a blank papier-mâché deer head in the post to personalise and display at the event. I smothered mine in PVA glue and sprinkled the entire thing in 100’s & 1000’s!

Spotlight National Craft Month www.cherryandme.comSpotlight National Craft Month www.cherryandme.comHere’s one I made!

Spotlight National Craft Month www.cherryandme.comJoin us in celebrating National Craft Month by uploading a pic of your crafty creation with the hashtags #imadethis and #SpotlightNCM

About Cherry and me

A New Baby ♥ Photography ♥ Food ♥ Graphic Design ♥ Illustration ♥ Gardens ♥ Beautiful Interiors ♥ Contemporary Art ♥ Craft ♥ and other insights into my creative lifestyle
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