Drum-roll please… We have some super exciting news for you! We’ve just launched 2 original Cherry and Me paintings as NFTs!
An NFT is a digital asset that exists completely in the digital universe—you can’t touch it, but you can own it, like a virtual work of art that you can collect and trade.
Click here to view our NFT shop
Here are the two original artworks we have for sale as both NFT’s and Paintings IRL
Artist: Cherry and Me
Title: Lilac
Medium: Acrylic on Canvas
Size: 100cm x 100cm
This original collaborative painting was created by mother and daughter duo, Elle and Cherry. They were inspired by the colours of the fragrant Lilac Tree, bustling butterflies and vibrant yellow daisies in their little inner-city garden in Melbourne, Australia.
Artist: Cherry and Me
Title: Iris
Medium: Acrylic on Canvas
Size: 100cm x 100cm
This original collaborative painting was created by mother and daughter duo, Elle and Cherry. An abstract visual representation of Spring-time blooms such as Iris’s, Violas and Pansies they planted together in their little inner-city garden in Melbourne, Australia.
Click here to read our Cherry and Me original paintings blog post